Satin pillowcase- check
Satin bonnet - check
Silk scarfs - check
Length check shirt (2) - check
I also spoil my hair with natural/nearly all natural products because I want it to be healthy. Healthy hair to me is evident when I can see my process in terms of growth. It only makes sense that if my ends are being preserved and my hair is growing (as hair always is) that I'll see the evidence in greater lengths. Now, I'm not talking hair that is down to my waist with ridiculously thin and chewed up ends from APL down (side-eye to that shit). No, I mean nice looking healthy ends on a healthy head of hair. Of course there are other means of identifying healthy hair, i.e. shine/sheen, moisture, elasticity, strength, and on and on. Those are all things I aspire to for my mane. Don't begrudge me because I want the length too.
Alright, so maybe I am a little obsessed. Sue me.
*ETA- it's also interesting that the article states that type 4 naturals seem to be more obsessed. For me personally growing my hair to long lengths is sort of a screw you to all the people that said/thought that it isn't possible for a person with dark skin to do so. Also, I want to be able to cover my boobies in a nakie pic, and possibly use my ponytail as a weapon if need be. Eh.