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Monday, October 15, 2012

Hello, hello, hello!!!

So, I know it has been eons but I am back, and with a treat no less! I'll be blogging my hair journey, reviews, and life in general pretty soon. I wanted to kick this off with some news about influenster!

Now, if you don''t know about influenster you'd better get on this fast.

What Is Influenster

Influenster is a free-to-join community of invited trendsetters who live to give opinions of products and experiences. Influenster creates links between brands and members to reward participation and influence future products.

What’s involved in a membership?

As a member, you prove your influence by gaining Expert Badges and show how you live by earning LifeStage Badges...both of which are won in a variety of ways, such as: completing surveys, writing reviews, creating videos, and engaging in other social media.

What’s in it for me?

Very important. As a contributing member of Influenster, you get the chance to share your knowledge and know-how with other like-minded people.
You also get exclusive discounts on products and services based on the Expert Badges you unlock. You’ll have access to content and sales based on your influence and area of expertise.
As an active influencer, you’ll have the chance to get invites to Influenster programs so you can try the latest and coolest products catered towards your lifestyle before anyone else.
Members who participate actively on Influenster and engage in programs increase their opportunities to receive rewards.
If you participate in online challenges, play interactive games, spread the word to your friends, and gain currency within our system, you’ll earn serious street cred.

So wait, is this about getting free stuff?

Nope. If you’re here to mooch, this isn't the place for you. Nobody, no matter how high his or her Influenster Score, is guaranteed rewards. Even if you are offered a reward, you can always opt out. The real benefit of membership is access to exclusive content, product reviews, and discussion within a community of tastemakers. Perks are just the icing on the proverbial cake.

You read that right.......try stuff for free and give your opinion to earl influenster points! I was lucky enough to get the Spring Vox box and I really enjoyed the experience. I have some invites if anyone is interested in giving this a go. Once again there is absolutely ZERO cost to you.
