Friday, September 20, 2013

Running Late

I have to admit that for social events I am ALWAYS running late. For work I mostly stay on top of the time crunch, but I have my days. On days like today I can't help hitting the snooze a few times, which results in the shorter shower or few minutes late dilema. I'm a sucker for a long steamy shower, so I was of course a few minutes late.

While I'd love to say that a wng is the perfect style for when I'm crunched for time, suprisingly it really isn't. I have to do my WNG in sections, and shingle in the product in order to avoid SSKs and tangles. Styling my hair in sections while I'm already late is not a good look. So, on days like these I rely on the bun. Buns are so quick, so simple, and with a few tweaks you can make them as elegant as you want (not saying that mine is elegant, it's not). Today I went with a deep diagonal part, and sort of a swoop to one side. I used a stretched out good ouchless headband for my ponytail and another to secure the actual bun. While not the best it still manages to look pretty neet and professional, especially with my nerdy glasses :)

What's your go to style when you're short on time?


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