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Monday, January 23, 2012

Hair Length OBSESSION??

Today while on I came across an article that ponders if we as naturals have an obsession with hair length. I had to stop for a second and think about just how much attaining my goal length means to me.....turns out it means a lot! I have just as many gadgets to protect my hair, or somehow length related as I do stylers.

Satin pillowcase- check
Satin bonnet - check
Silk scarfs - check
Length check shirt (2) - check

I also spoil my hair with natural/nearly all natural products because I want it to be healthy. Healthy hair to me is evident when I can see my process in terms of growth. It only makes sense that if my ends are being preserved and my hair is growing (as hair always is) that I'll see the evidence in greater lengths. Now, I'm not talking hair that is down to my waist with ridiculously thin and chewed up ends from APL down (side-eye to that shit). No, I mean nice looking healthy ends on a healthy head of hair. Of course there are other means of identifying healthy hair, i.e. shine/sheen, moisture, elasticity, strength, and on and on. Those are all things I aspire to for my mane. Don't begrudge me because I want the length too.

Alright, so maybe I am a little obsessed. Sue me.

*ETA- it's also interesting that the article states that type 4 naturals seem to be more obsessed. For me personally growing my hair to long lengths is sort of a screw you to all the people that said/thought that it isn't possible for a person with dark skin to do so. Also, I want to be able to cover my boobies in a nakie pic, and possibly use my ponytail as a weapon if need be. Eh.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Bantu knot out

I did a bantu knot out while my hair was straight back in December and found a pic (ignore the lack of makeup). I hope you're having a wonderful start to the week!

Saturday, January 14, 2012

The Worst Day of My "Natural" Life!!

Yes, the absolute worst day.

First, let me say that I am (of course) referring to my natural hair and not my entire life...on to the story............

I was minding my own business at work one day (back in September), and started talking to one of my coworkers about my recent visit to the doctor. I had gone to see my nurse practitioner because I'd come down with a really nasty virus, and during that time she ran a battery of tests on me. Once I got better she gave me a call and told me that she wanted me to start taking a prescription vitamin with extra iron because I was apparently anemic. While talking I realized that I hadn't taken my vitamin that day so I decided to go do it right then. I went to the break room with the pill (coworker following behind), got some water and proceeded to take it. About three gulps in I felt it, but It was too late! I had started drinking the water without looking in the cup. If I had looked I would have no doubt seen the shed hair that had fallen in. I looked down and could see the tail end of the hair bobbing in the cup. It was from the front, so it had to be at least 7 inches long. OMG, I started to gag and convulse. My coworker pat me on the back trying to help....I swallowed. OH NO! The shed hair was now caught on the left side of my throat somewhere between my tonsil and esophagus. Let me tell you over the next few weeks I tried bread, water, food, milk, and yes I stuck my finger back there more than a few times. The thing would not budge! Every time I swallowed I felt it. Truly it didn't help that my hair is not fine. My husband threatened to take me to the ENT a few times but I resisted. I can make light of the situation now 4 months down the road because I finally stopped feeling the thing about a month ago so I think its (FINALLY) gone.

Moral of the story:
Be careful, your hair just may be trying to kill you.
Oh, and take your vitamins :)

Friday, January 13, 2012


I am loving my hair today <3

Appetizer- Tresemme Naturals Conditioner

Main Course- Hairveda Whipped Gelly

Dessert- CJ CIAB


Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Length Check

I flat ironed my hair the day before we left for Florida (Dec. 14th) so that my mom could trim my hair for me. While traveling I wore it in a super high bun, and you'd better believe that I wore my silk scarf on the planes (I sure did). The funny thing is I really couldn't think of any other styles to wear my hair in while it was straight. Well, any other styles that didn't require heat (now that I have flexirods I'll add those to the straight style rotation). Anyhow, all that to say that after my mom trimmed about an inch or so off I am armpit length. I'm happy with that considering that I had trimmed it to shoulder length in June. Next stop bra-strap length baby!

Pic taken on December 16th

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Happy New Year!!

Yeah, yeah....I know I'm late as hell, LOL.

Well, I had a wonderful time visiting my sis in Florida (my nephew is so cute). We all hung out, ate, drank, talked crap, and alladat family type stuff. I had so much of my mom's good cooking, and that in conjunction with multiple starbucks runs = +6lbs on the scale *frowns*.

I did lots of shopping for my fam, and managed to not get a (whole) suitcase of stuff for myself.


Mac MSF Natural in dark
Mac Ruby Woo Lipstick
Mac Blush (can't remember the darn name)
Purple flexi rods
Large perm rods
Aphogee 2 min reconstructor
Creme of Nature argan oil serum
Bobby pins and hair pins
Trimming shears
Creme of Nature Argan oil shampoo
Kinky Curly Curling Custard
Eco Styler Gel

*I STILL wasn't able to find a foundation that I liked.
